The Main Phases of Your Life

This calculator implements the ideas described in detail in my book DIY Astrology: Discover the Main Phases of Your Life.

Very briefly, this is one of the most important methods of prognostication of the traditional astrology, simplified in such a way that it can be useful and easy to understand for everyone. The essence of the method is "a day for a year". This means that any events that happen in the sky a number of days after the birth will be reflected in the person's life in as many years after birth.

This calculator defines the dates of the person's progressed lunar phases. They indicate major turning points in one's life.

  • The New Moon signifies some completion before a new beginning, when you need to say goodbye to the past and to prepare yourself for the unknown future.
  • The First Quarter is a stressful period when one needs to mobilise his or her energy, to make efforts.
  • The Full Moon is usually the year of culmination, or of an achievement.
  • The Last Quarter is another stressful period when one's efforts are usually directed towards career and position in the society.

If a particular progressed phase was an eclipse, chances are it signifies a particularly important and powerful change in the course of life.

To learn more, please read DIY Astrology: Discover the Main Phases of Your Life.

© 2025 Alexander Kolesnikov