Sun Sign Calculator

Birth Date
Birth Time

Sun Sign: Capricorn

Degree: 10.49

People with the Sun in the same degree

Sun in Capricorn has a natural tendency to reach a prominent position in society. This person has a serious attitude towards life, the ability to make plans of extreme complexity, and the aptitude to implement them very methodically and cautiously.

Such people build their lives in much the same way a skilled architect creates a huge building: they are very reliable but can also be very slow.

Sun-in-Capricorn individuals will shine in situations that require taking responsibility, or that have a significant complexity and many moving parts.

What is the Sun Sign

Most people know their Sun Sign (a.k.a. Star Sign), which can be easily found from the date of birth using widely available tables of Sun Sign dates. However, in many cases, when the date of birth is close to the border between two signs, such general tables can be wrong. This is because the precise date and time of the Sun's entry into a Sign of the Zodiac differs quite substantially from year to year. Even for the same year, the time of the Sun's entry into, say, Aries will be very different in New York compared to Tokyo.

As an example, everyone born on the 20th of January 1980 in San Francisco has Aquarius for his or her Sun Sign, because the Sun was already in the Sign of Aquarius then. However, most popular tables will tell you that January 20, 1980 still belongs to Capricorn.

I created this Sun Sign Calculator primarily for those who want to find out their true Sun Sign. By entering your date and time of birth and specifying the location where you were born, you can make sure that the probability of an error is minimal. However, this calculator isn't perfect, in some cases it can make a mistake. See Sun Sign Calculator and its Limitations, as well as a description of a few alternatives.

Also, this calculator allows me to provide a link to a list of famous people who have their Sun in exactly the same degree as yours. I think this information will be interesting for many users.

© 2025 Alexander Kolesnikov